Book this Kick A Double S Blues Band - The Soulful 88's High Energy Rockin' Blues


Contact Billy Spaulding

The Soulful 88's are a dynamic rockin' blues band with a whole lotta' soul. Billy has stepped out from behind the drums after 25 plus years. He is now playing the 88's and his Nord Stage keyboard set up like a B-3 organ and singing with the Soul and Passion that can be felt deep down. Tom "T-Boy" Boyle is a multiple award winner in the guitar category for the WBS. Tone and chops! Steve Yonck got his start in Pioneer Square getting to play guitar and learn from veteran players in the early 2000’s. He is now a veteran player himself. Holding down the bottom is Patrick Mosley. He is all about tone and groove and he has covered both. On the tubs is Scott Rongey. Scott has had a long career in the Northwest playing with top acts. Groove machine!

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